A Few Late Payments on Your Loan
Let Us Help You Stop the Foreclosure Clock
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Time is not on Your Side
We are Real Estate Direct. No Middle Men.
You Will Deal Directly With the Owners of the Company
If you have missed a payment or two you have some time before the FORECLOSURE AUCTION. After this sale, you will not only lose your home, you will most likely lose all of your equity and have a foreclosure recorded on your credit report for the next 10 years.
We can help. We can pay all of the back mortgage payments in your name, and probably pay off your loan in full. This will be a start in rebuilding your credit rating. We can most likely give you cash for your equity to help you start over. We do not make loans to get you deeper into debt. We do not recommend bankruptcy to add to your credit problems. We offer a way out. We stop the foreclosure dead in its tracks.
We have been active in the local Fort Worth area real estate business for over 40 years, and have the experience to quickly solve your mortgage problems. We prepare all of the necessary documents, and pay all associated fees. There is no charge for our service.
Time is critical in solving your problems. The Foreclosure is scheduled to take place in just a few days on the steps of the County Courthouse. The sale is final; therefore, please do not delay. Feel free to call us at (817) 238-0000 to privately discuss possible solutions to your real estate problems. We can meet with you in your home to review our programs. We drive unmarked cars and will handle your situation in a discrete and private manner. If you have received a Notice of Default, Notice of Trustee's Sale and your home is posted for foreclosure, please do not delay,
This is a serious matter, and we will take it seriously. We understand the importance of a rapid response to your questions. You will find us to be informative and straight forward. In many cases we may be your best solution. In some cases we will not be the best alternative for your situation, and we will openly discuss your other alternatives. Although all office personnel are trained to handle your questions, if you would feel more comfortable discussing your situation directly with the owner of the company, please feel free to ask the representative answering the telephone to transfer your call to the owner. It is the owner's policy to accept all telephone calls. If he is not in the office, your call can be transferred directly to his mobile telephone.
Please allow us to help. We are available from 8:00 AM until 8:00 PM 7 days a week at (817) 238-0000.